Founder - Vice - President
He successfully began his career in the insurance industry in the year 1979 specifically in the life insurance industry working with Metropolitan Insurance Company today part of ASSA Compañía de Seguros. Mr. Mario Augusto Rodríguez Stanziola obtained his Bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Panama to then obtain their master's degree in evaluation of projects of the same prestigious institution. A life member of the select group of runners members of MDRT due to its more than ten consecutive qualifications. Guest speaker of one of the more important insurance seminars as it is the case of LIMRA INTERNATIONAL and in the year 2000 he became President of LIMRA Latin America Convention. Mario Augusto Rodríguez has also had the honor of having served as President of the College of Insurance brokers in more than one occasion. Nowadays he is part of the Board of directors of the College of insurance brokers where he brings all its knowledge for the good of the school. The career of Mr. Mario Augusto Rodríguez Stanziola is not only limited to the insurance world. He has served several functions within the Metropolitan Kiwanis Club such as President, Vice - Governor for the Central American Region, Secretary and Treasurer.